understanding unconscious bias with Andrew Botwin

Understanding Unconscious Bias with Andrew Botwin

Date: March 23, 2022, 5:30pm – 8:00pm Location: Jersey City, New Jersey Event Type: Meeting Understanding Unconscious Bias – “It’s them, not me!” “It’s them, not me!”  Many of your employees believe issues of bias are the result of other people, not themselves. The truth is, we ALL HAVE BIAS.  As an HR community, this…
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leadership and racism

Leadership Development & Anti-Racism in the Workplace – Making a Difference!

What makes an effective leader? What qualities should a strong leader have? How should leaders behave and not behave? The following is meant to be a brief discussion on the interplay between racism and leadership in business. The recent lawsuit by Brian Flores against the National Football League (NFL) and a few specific NFL teams reminds me of a blog we wrote in 2020...
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sexual harassment and discrimination training

10 Reasons You Need Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Training in Your Business

Image Credit: equalrights.org President Joe Biden just made it law in this country prohibiting mandatory arbitration for sexual-harassment claims.  What this means for employers is an increased possibility of fighting claims in the Courts.  This is yet another reason employers should be focusing on what they can do to prevent sexual harassment and discrimination altogether.…
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12 leadership weaknesses and how to overcome them

12 Leadership Weaknesses and How to Overcome Them

No one is perfect!  This, along with death and taxes, are among some of the few absolute statements we can make in American life today.  A great many articles are written on leadership, along with the strengths and weaknesses associated with greatness. While we are all truly unique in our own individual ways, having worked…
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nycbar on ethics in investigations employment law institute event

Andrew Botwin Speaking at the Employment Law Institute

Friday, March 4, 2022 | 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (Networking Lunch Included) Event Location: NYC Bar, 42 West 44th Street. Program Fee: $399 for Members | $499 for Nonmembers In House Counsel: $299 Member | $399 Nonmember Small Law Firm: $249 Member This Institute is not included under the free CLE member benefit. Discount: 15% discount on…
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what is hostile work environment

Hostile Work Environment – What This Really Means!

Having run a practice for over a decade focused on EEO matters such as sexual harassment and discrimination issues in the workplace, the phrase hostile work environment is used frequently and is often misunderstood. The Actual Definition According to dictionary.com one of the definitions of “hostile” is “a person or thing that is antagonistic or…
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challenges female leaders face in the workplace

7 Challenges Female Leaders Face in the Workplace – And How to Combat Them

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Day, we want to talk about women’s equality in the workplace. For many decades, the American workforce was dominated by men. Even with all the progress we’ve made in recent years, there are still many lingering effects of the past. It’s estimated women account for almost half the…
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why diversity matters in leadership

Why Diversity Matters in Leadership

Leadership in corporate America is changing. Our definitions of inclusivity and equity have evolved. Today, businesses are cultivating more diverse, blended leadership teams. This emphasis on increased diversity isn’t just about public image – it’s about building leadership teams with a wide range of experience and viewpoints. It’s, in part, about attracting and retaining valuable…
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what if urban meyer was ceo trust in leadereship

Trust in Leadership: What if Urban Meyer Was CEO?

Source: MGoBlog On Flickr Whether you follow the NFL or not, you’ve more than likely heard the name Urban Meyer in recent weeks. To give you the short version, Urban Meyer was the head coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars, who was unceremoniously fired after a series of public incidents. Nearly all of these instances compromised…
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