Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Training
Strategy People Culture, LLC understands the many cultural and legal reasons to have anti-harassment and anti-discrimination training in the workplace, and the business benefits to provide such training.
In response to this need, Strategy People Culture, LLC will provide Federal and State compliant training to your management and staff. Strategy People Culture will go beyond the compliance standards to provide an engaged approach to live training so your employees gain a deeper understanding of the topic through real examples, hypothetical situations, and role-playing.

Some areas covered may include:
Overview of your company related policies and discussion on procedures to follow if harassment occurs
Discussion of laws surrounding harassment in the workplace
U.S. Supreme Court precedence
State case law
Federal and State legislative statutes
The conversation around the cultural and business benefits of workplaces free from harassment and discrimination
Explanation of what harassment and discrimination are
Review of forms of harassment and discrimination, including types of behavior that constitute harassment or discrimination
Discussion on harassing or discriminatory conduct
Strategies to prevent harassment and discrimination and best practices
Employee and management responsibilities
Practical examples and hypothetical situations to illustrate sexual harassment, discrimination and potential retaliation.
And more
If you are interested in these types of training services online, please contact our affiliate EEO Training by visiting SPC sells these services live (in person and via video conference). EEO sells a similar service online only. They are complementary service offerings to those of Strategy People Culture.
Trusted and Certified
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, maybe, and no. Depending on the State or City you are located in, there may be specific laws mandating training. Even if you are in a jurisdiction that does not have a law mandating this training, there is federal case law, and in many States, State case law, indicating the potential legal benefits of having training or lack of potential legal remedies by not having training.
Yes, we strongly recommend every employee, including independent contractors working on behalf of your organization, go through this training. It is clear under federal and many local laws, people, have a protected right to go to work free from sexual harassment and discrimination. It is also clear employers can be held liable for situations where these rights are violated. Training in this area is an important part of mitigating both potential workplace incidents and relative risks.
Legislative mandates differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction throughout the United States. We recommend as a best practice, training is done at the time of a new hire starting with an organization and annually, regardless of where your employees are located.
There are legal, moral, ethical, cultural, productivity, profitability, recruiting/retention, and risk management reasons that individually and collectively are important reasons to do this training.
This is too broad of a question to answer quickly. At a very high-level, someone being treated differently based on a "protected class" that has the effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment could create a discriminatory situation.